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User Types

User Types


The Youth Charter Community Campus Portal includes the following User Types:


  • Public – are able to view the Youthwise Activities delivered through the Community Campuses and sign up to the Portal by completing the Social Coach Engagement Steps
  • Young People – Young people aged 18 and over can book onto Youthwise Activities and/or complete the SCLP training. Young people aged under 18 require Parent/Guardian sign up. 
  • Parent/Guardians – can book their children onto Youthwise Activities, view activities being delivered and discuss activities/issues in their Community Campus areas
  • Social Coaches – please see below
  • Stakeholder Partners – are able to arrange Stakeholder Partner Meetings and to map, track and measure the Outputs & Outcomes of the projects and programmes their organisations are delivering through Community Campuses


Social Coaches 


The Youth Charter’s Community Campus Portal provides Social Coaches with a toolkit to support the planning and preparation, delivery and mapping, tracking and measuring of their Youthwise Activities.


Social Coaches can also showcase and discuss the Youthwise Activities they are delivering with young people and their communities, to provide continuous learning and sharing of ideas for the delivery of a #LegacyOpportunity4All… 


Engage, Equip and Empower